God Of War
Image Courtesy of PlayStation
Hello neighbor! Have you heard the good news? The gods are letting anyone into Valhalla, you just have to die fighting someone. Anyone! It doesn't matter. Just don't let them catch you sleeping or relaxing or building strong communities. You better die young and bruised because Valhalla is amazing. It's more fighting, but eternally and once you die you just respawn so you can kill more people who will also respawn to kill more people. It is epic. So praise Odin, and ask him not to wipe your village off the face of the 9 worlds or just wait for Kratos, God of War, to destroy the Norse gods and end their tyranny forever. The latter seems more imminent.
Thanks to God of War (2018), I spent many nights researching Norse mythology (Heathenry). The game immerses you in such an incredible realm that you cannot help but want to know more about these legends from so long ago. Some creative liberties are taken, but God of War may be the best depiction of Norse mythology in modern media. I will never look at Marvel's Thor the same way again. The setting is gorgeous, the story is compelling, and the gameplay is unlike anything you have ever seen. It is no wonder why God of War won the 2018 Game of the Year and is hailed by many as the greatest game ever made.
We at Busch League Gaming were late to the game (pun intended) and only recently played God of War (2018) on our new PlayStations 5's. Our first “next-gen” experience had to be the highlight of the PS4 era and I have to say, it may still outshine everything that is new to the PS5. There is so much good to say and so little bad that I will keep this review short and simple.
Any fan of the God of War series knows the dealings of Kratos in his past life. He has since retired to live out his days as a mortal. He settled down with a wife who bore him a son and the story begins just after his wife tragically passes away far too early. Kratos and his green-horned son promised their special lady to carry her ashes to the highest peak in all the worlds. Not realizing what she had planned for them along the way, they set out on a dangerous and seemingly impossible mission to find the highest peak and let her ashes out. Along the way gods, giants and dwarves make appearances. Their mythos is honored and the mystery of the Norse worlds are conveyed beautifully. You cannot help but to want to know more. Few times in my life have I experienced lore that consumes me and demands so much of my attention. A good comparison would be Star Wars, which I think many can relate to wanting more and more of. God of War builds that desire and delivers twists and encounters that thrill and satisfy. I cannot say enough about the writing in this game.
If you are familiar with Norse mythology you may know there are nine worlds, each inhabited with different beings. God of War provides a unique mode of travel from Midgard (the realm of Humans) to each of these other worlds. As you unlock more worlds throughout the game your understanding increases. You are accompanied by a famous story-teller, a man that knows "everything" (I won't spoil anymore than that). The story-teller narrates the legends around each world as you traverse them. The colors, the sounds, and huge vistas that showcase haunting landscapes are unlike anything I have seen in other games. You will want to take advantage of the PS5's new photo button. There is a lot to take in and look back on.
There are many facets to the God of War gameplay but the developers did a great job making them clear, obtainable, and rewarding. The leveling system is not torturous and you begin to unlock abilities rapidly. The combat style shifts as you switch weapons and there is an added depth to fighting by calling on Atreus at any moment. The basic enemy combat can be simple and easy or challenging and creative depending on the play style you choose. The boss battles are second to none in all of video-gaming, and that is not a controversial statement. Each boss brings cinematic challenges that give you a sense of god-like speed and strength. I found myself flexing in the reflection of my TV after every long battle.
Not only is the combat sophisticated, but every area in the game is full of hidden secrets and satisfying puzzles. As new abilities are unlocked, more doorways and conflicts are revealed. Side missions are available but the main story is almost too enticing to step away from. However, each interaction is worth it. Nothing is wasted in this game.
I realize that there was little critique of this game, and I will never say a game is perfect, but anything that frustrated me was either too small to remember or due to my own inability to play well. Couple the already incredible game with the PS5 60FPS performance mode and what you are left with is a masterpiece. God of War (2018) is one of the greatest games ever made. If you agree, you have already played the game. If you don't agree then you need to play the game. There is not much else left to say other than the fact that Busch League Gaming bestowed upon Kratos and Atreus a 10 out of 10 rating. The legends are truly legendary.
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God of War Series
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